100+ YEARS HISTORY – 1891 to 1991 and much, much more…
A History of Corstorphine Bowling Club
Two books have been published covering The Fist Fifty Years and The Second Fifty Years of Corstorphine Bowling Club.
Read interesting accounts of one hundred plus years whilst discovering much about Corstorphine’s past by clicking on the links below.
Further below is the Preface to the Centenary Book (its cover is on the left) that brought the two fifty’s together.
- First Fifty Years by Alex Ferguson (Price 2/6d in 1942)
- Our Centenary by David Wilson (1994)
- Recent Times
A History of Corstorphine Bowling Club 1891-1991
This updated history of Corstorphine Bowling Club brings to a conclusion the work of the Centenary Committee.
It was our original intention to produce the book during the Centenary year but so heavy were the demands upon Committee members that this proved not to be possible. Nevertheless, even although we are into 1994 as I write, I still feel the effort is justified and a valuable and detailed record of the Club’s progress over the last one hundred years is now available to all the members.
We were fortunate that “The First Fifty Years” had been covered in Alex Ferguson’s booklet which was published in 1942, but which very few of our current members have had the opportunity to read. We, therefore, decided to include this work in our new book. Much of the content dwells upon the achievements of the great Willie Scouller but it does, also, give us an insight into the hopes and aspirations of Club members during these early years.
We were again fortunate that David Wilson agreed to undertake the task of writing “The Second Fifty Years” history. This involved the laborious scrutiny of past minute books and preparation of longhand notes which were duly passed to Vicky and Bob Page who had the equally arduous and time consuming task of word processing them. My sincere thanks to all three for their efforts.
Members of the Centenary Committee are well aware that it is extremely difficult to reflect accurately all the “goings on” in the Club over so many years from the minute books alone but we do feel that an excellent job has been done from the material available and I commend this publication to all members.
No doubt, other dedicated individuals will be around in the years 2041 and 2091 to again update the History of Corstorphine Bowling Club. At least I like to think that this will happen and that they will appreciate our efforts as we appreciate those of Alex Ferguson and his contemporaries.
The Centenary Committee started with the express intention of celebrating the Centenary in a proper manner and furthering the good name of Corstorphine Bowling Club in Edinburgh and further afield. I think we have succeeded in both aims and this publication reinforces this view.
Finally, I record my sincere thanks to all members of my committee and, also, to those who supported and sponsored the Centenary events.
Ian Sutherland
Centenary Committee 1994
After reading our history if you wish more information on Corstorphine Bowling Club’s long and proud past please contact us using an option on our Find us page.
Special thanks to Corstorphine Trust for some old photographs. They have more photographs and documents available for viewing in the Dower House. Visit their website for opening times.
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