Events Week 13 – 15th July
Dear Members,
Please read the attached document which details the bowling events involving our Club during the week beginning Monday 15 July.
After a good win over Postal B.C. last Tuesday, our Gents’ Top Ten will take on Queensberry B.C. at home on Tuesday 16 July at 6.30pm. All the best, guys. Please try to get along to the Club to support the team in this match.
Our Ladies kick off their EBA Knockout campaigns on Thursday evening with the Singles (Faye Stevens) taking on London Road Foundry B.C. at Bainfield at 6.45pm. Good luck, Faye. In addition, we are hosting a Ladies’ Knockout Pairs match on the green on Thursday evening.
Our remaining Gents’ representatives will kick off their EBA Knockout campaigns on Thursday evening. The Singles (Stuart Campbell) will take on Postal B.C. at London Road Foundry and the Fours (Kenny Orr, Scott Bremner, Keith Bennett and John P Simpson) have a match against Merchiston B.C. at Juniper Green. Both of these ties start at 6.45pm. All the best, guys.
Our Senior Gents’ Singles representative (David Sutherland) will compete against Dean B.C. at Trinity at Noon on Friday 19 July in the EBA Knockouts. Stick in, David.
The annual Centenary Trophy competition will be held on the green at 2.00pm on Saturday 20 July. The draw will be on the ‘Mixed’ Noticeboard towards the end of this week. Please check if you have your name down to play. We are sure everyone involved will have a great afternoon.
Our Strawberry Fayre will take place on the green and in the Clubhouse at 2.00pm on Sunday 21 July. This is an opportunity to bring friends and family along to the Club to have a wee game of bowls and enjoy some strawberries and ice-cream.
Finally, a wee heads-up for some upcoming events :
- The annual Friendly against Centurion B.C. is scheduled on the green for 6.30pm on Thursday 1 August. There is still time to add your name to the list on the ‘Mixed’ Noticeboard for this match. We are looking for 3 mixed rinks and currently only have 3 names on the list.
- The Club has its annual Invitation Pairs competition on Sunday 4 August. There is a list on the ‘Mixed’ Noticeboard for those members (and their partners from other Clubs) who wish to play in this event. Please note that there will be an entry fee of £10 per pair for this competition.
- Our Senior Gents have their annual Hyland Rigg competition on Friday 9 August starting at 2.00pm. There is still time to add your name to the list on the Senior Gents’ Noticeboard if you wish to participate.
- Our Ladies have their annual Clark Fours competition on the green on Sunday 11 August starting at 1.30pm. There is a list on the Ladies’ Noticeboard if you wish to participate in this event.
- The annual Cathy Connet Trophy competition will be held on the green at 2.00pm on Saturday 17 August. Please add your name to the list on the ‘Mixed’ Noticeboard if you wish to play in this very enjoyable afternoon.
The Management Committee